

Other Names: Citrus Paradisi


    * Available all year in most areas
    * Best from January to July

Selection Do's and Don'ts:

    * Do look for grapefruit that has been grown in a tropical area.
    * Do choose grapefruit that seems heavy for its size.
    * Do choose grapefruit that is firm and has shiny skin.
    * Don't buy grapefruit that doesn't give some when pressed.

Storage: Whole grapefruit can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks. Cut or peeled grapefruit may last 1-3 days in the refrigerator.

Preparation: Either

    * cut grapefruit in half, seperate from skin by running a knife or spoon around inside of peel, sprinkle with sugar, and eat, or
    * peel (by making an incision in the skin around the grapefruit twice to make 4 quarters) and eat.

Why Should You Eat Grapefruit?:

Grapefruit is an excellent source of vitamin C; in fact, half of a grapefruit provides 78% of the daily recommended intake for vitamin C. It also is a good source of fiber, potassium, folic acid, vitamin A, and calcium.

Grapefruits are full of health benefits. For instance, lycopene, found in the red/pink varieties of grapefruit, is an anti-tumor phytochemical. Vitamin C helps lower the duration of colds. Grapefruit may also lower cholesterol.

Grapefruits contain no sodium, fat, or cholesterol.


    * White (actually yellow) grapefruit: These are best for using in marinades on meat.
    * Pink or red grapefruit: These grapefruits are sweeter than the white grapefruits.
    * Oro Blanco: This grapefruit is a hybrid that is less bitter and acidic tasting. If you think you don't like grapefruit, you might try one.

Precaution: Grapefruits interact negatively with some medications (see links below for more information).

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